A new article in Business 2.0 magazine discusses the Creative Commons, and uses Magnatune in particular as an example. Read it here:
or here:
I spent a long time on the phone with the author of this article so it was gratifying to me to see him write a well-informed article (you never know what mistakes they'll make)
Allan Vilhan (Cargo Cult) one of our top Magnatune artists, gets tons of coverage in the article, with a photo on the magazine's table of contents, and again another full page photo in the article body.
I suspect the reason Magnatune features so prominently in the article as that few other successful businesses exist which use the Creative Commons at their core. The other main examples I can think of are Doctorow's and Lessig's books. As it happens, I was introduced to Cory Doctorow by reading Down and out in the Magic Kingdom for free on my palm device, became a fan, and bought the print edition of the rest of his books (I really like his short stories). So the Creative Commons approach worked on me too, creating a new fan and purchaser.