* for some reason, we're getting more press attention lately (it's been pretty dry for 6 months). Landis PR hasn't started their work yet (they start in January, when Chocolate starts too) so I can't really explain the surge in interest, though obviously I welcome it. Below is some of the stuff going on right now:
* Sound on Sound magazine mentions us in this month's issue, and are working on a larger writeup
* the Washington Post is running a story on the Creative Commons, with us as (I believe) the main feature
* a freelance journalist who's written for Wired (among others) is writing a feature article about Magnatune, and has interviewed The Wretch, Artemis, and Asteria for the feature.
* KRON TV (a San Francisco station) is filming a segment on us.
As a public web site, we live and die by what the world thinks of us (and if they know we exist at all), so the trend is good, and hopefully with UK and USA PR firms kicking in, we'll see the interest increase quite a bit.
Fantastic company! Fantastic music(pre-1800 classics)!
I love the concept and do wish you had gift certificates as that is what I would request for Christmas. Maybe that's something Paypal should pursue?
As for why does anyone pay more than $5? Economists have always been convinced, and convinced us, that people always act in their best economic self-interest. However, now that they're actually doing research instead of making assumptions, their research shows that people will sacrifice economically in order to punish people who are perceived as being unfair.
Likewise, I believe that people forfeit economically in order to be fair themselves. Even when they don't have to be.
Posted by: thomjon | December 12, 2004 at 12:16 AM