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July 25, 2005


I would also want to provide a list of Magnatune stations they can pick from, rather than learning to copy/paste a tcp/ip address. Another possible way to deploy this would be embedding the java app into a web page, so that nothing needs to be downloaded.

At the bottom of the P2P-Cast webpage it has a link where it discusses how to create a quick link to open the Java app from a web page on a designated page:



Unfortunately P2P-Radio suffers from NAT failure. So does Freecast ( http://www.freecast.org ), which is another GPL Java based P2P streaming application.

What needs to be done is take Actlab TV
( http://actlab.tv/technology.htm ) and incorporate it into freecast.

Instead of peer relaying - you would have a swarmcast or bittorrent type streaming without any network latency or NAT failure.


With the release 20060515, the NAT traversal is now supported by FreeCast (http://www.freecast.org)

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