I received a request for a variety of stats today from a journalist, so I thought I'd share some of what I provided to him.
Number of Magnatune artists over time.
In this chart, you can see that we were adding members very aggressively during 11/2003-10/2004, slowed down quite a lot from 10/2004-11/2005 and are back now following the same curve as the trend line, as of 11/2005. Basically, this reflects the initial growth-focus, then a year of energy spent on PR rather the adding musicians (to try to enlarge the pie before slicing it up in smaller pieces with more musicians) and now a renewed focus on artist growth.
CD sales (versus downloads)
Sales of CDs from Magnatune have settled in at around 18% of total sales, and except for the blip to 50% of sales at christmas, as unlikely to grow much. You can see a slight growth, from around 13% of sales a year ago, but this is still a minor part of our business.
People on our email announcement list.
The growth in the number of people in our announcement list continues to be amazingly linear, though we've been in a period of above-trend growth for the past few months.
Licenses Sold Monthly at Magnatune
The number of licenses sold monthly by us is growing steadily. From about 7/2004 to 9/2005 it didn't grow at all, but has been steadily growing since then.