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May 05, 2006



Now when I say "check me out" I mean it literally.

(That's a double word pun for 50,000 points!)

John Buckman

Just a followup note, that more than 1/2 our catalog at the Boston Public Library is out on loan, which is great, because they do watch that and if there is a backlog of requestors for the music, they do buy additional copies.


I've got a Google alert for my CD titles and I've been receiving lots of hits from these libraries so I KNOW this was one great idea. Lovin' it.

Ryan Sawhill

this is just great John. awesomeness.

totally inappropriate use of public forum: Falik, I love your music!!


I have a slight propensity for hijacking threads, so I will not respond by saying "Thanks!"

(The author of this posting has just been sacked.)

Ryan Sawhill


Ryan Sawhill

Welllll I've already offended, so oh well..can't hurt to keep going.

Falik! I JUST listened to your latest album for the first time today [and then bought]. WOW. I'm sooooo diggin' it. Awesome awesome! I love it! :-D

Jorge Cortell

My respects to you. Intelligent vision. Fair business. Thank you and the best of luck.

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