I'm off to Munich this weekend, to pick up a renaissance lute made for me by Andreas Holst.
I'm also in Paris again in a few weeks, and then in September, doing a 3 week European press tour with Weedshare impresario Steve Turnidge, driving from Paris->Luxembourg->Saarbrucken->Berlin->Munich->Dijon->Paris, with lots of side trips on the way.
Anybody interested in meeting up with me in any of these places, drop me an email on my john@ address at magnatune.com and we'll hook up.
Below is a map of my currently planned itinerary in september.
So.. can you pack me in your luggage or something?
Tell Steve T. thanks again for his podcast with me at www.krimson-news.com. I still have to get around to weedification of some of my stuff, but my spare cycles are going to new music right now, so if that's not a good excuse...
BTW, if you would be interested in any of the artists at BitWorks Music (www.bitworksmusic.com) let me know. It sounds like you are doing an amazing job for your artists! Keep it up!
guitarist/composer - Smokin' Granny
chief bit monkey - BitWorks Music
Posted by: davido | June 08, 2006 at 09:18 AM
I'm a french teenager, looking for nice, legal music, and i really enjoy the way you think music should go to its audience.
In the beginning of this year, there was a huge debate in France, concerning P2P and copyrights. You probably heard about it. I think that, as you represent a nice alternative, you should try when you come to France to spread your idea in the press, by contacting Radio France for example.
Have a good luck!
PS : sorry for the mistakes, my english is far from perfect!
Posted by: Kevin | June 28, 2006 at 04:27 AM
As a long-time-though-infrequent MagnaTune customer, I full heartedly support Kevin's suggestion!
Could you post a tentative schedule here?
Posted by: René | August 24, 2006 at 03:21 AM
My tentative schedule:
Sept 6-9 Munich
Sept 9-13 driving to Berlin
Sept 13-16 Berlin
Sept 17-20 driving toward Luxembourg, Saarbrucken
Sept 21/22 Luxembourg
Sept 23-25 Paris
As to France, I speak French well and am participating in a "debat" in Bordeaux November 27, and I do have a few press contacts in Paris, so we should see more about Magnatune in France.
Posted by: John Buckman | August 24, 2006 at 07:16 AM
Paris, Berlin, Luxembourg, and SAARBRÜCKEN! That's great. Will you give a presentation in Saarbrücken? If you can figure out a connection with Artificial Intelligence (music recommender system, for instance), then I might be able to organize a talk at the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (www.dfki.de). DFKI has a competence center on "Computational Culture" (http://www.computationalculture.org/), this might fit, too. I can put you in contact with the responsible person, send me a mail, if you are interested (preferebly till Friday, midday), afterwards I'll be away from my mail
Posted by: Carsten | August 31, 2006 at 04:30 AM