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June 09, 2006



Ok, call me dense, but I don't get it. Maybe it's the way the sentence is structured, but I don't understand what the slogan means. Can you explain?


John Buckman

The issue is that podcasting is generally viewed as piracy and illegal by the RIAA, ASCAP and others, and they grudgingly give licenses to allow it in a very limited capacity (ie, 30 second samples). But, the reality is that it functions like radio, and helps sell music.

Martin RIchmond

I'll buy the T-shirt! get that on Cafe Press it's F#$%^ng brilliant!


Ok, so it's sarcasm that pokes fun at the status quo. I didn't get it at first because I didn't realize that some view podcasting as "piracy" or "illegal". It's kind of silly to assess any kind of legal status to a podcast without first considering what it contains. Actually, I guess it's the use of non-authorized content within the podcast that makes it legal or not.

Now, I wouldn't go as far to say it's a brilliant graphic. I think it needs to name the target of sarcasm if looking for any kind of saturation in the mainstream. If it had said at the top: "Hey RIAA..." I think it would have more impact. Right now it just seems like a clever inside joke.

Great start though.


That's a takeoff on downhillbattle.org's tshirts...


Dean Whitbread

Downhillbattle: no it's not. It derives from the inner lining of many LPs that were sold in the 1980s, as does the image to which you refer. Note that OUR cassette face is a HAPPY cassette face...


FWIW it's a design created by the UK Podcasters Association. You can contact them at http://ukpodcasters.org.uk/

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