Guest Blogger: Teresa Malango, Magnatune, [email protected]
Artist touchingGrace in Feature Film
Feature film "Finding Preet" is a romantic comedy loosely based on the experiences of writer, Priti Chowdhury.
Priti, also
the film’s Executive Producer, licensed music from Magnatune artist touchingGrace for the soundtrack. With its fusion of jazz and
classical Indian sitar, the song “New Delhi Breakdown” from The
Reformations Sessions album was a logical choice for the film.
The film’s story
follows Priti Malani, a 34 year old Indian American physician and restaurant
owner searching for preet (a hindi word for love). Her traditional Indian parents find her
numerous dates from "Indian Internet Matrimonial" sites and her over
zealous girlfriends persuade her to join a ten thousand dollar dating service.
As the film synopsis says “She goes to extremes to find love when it just may be where she least expects it.”
The film will initially be shown at independent film festivals in Cannes and Los Angeles. More about the film can be found at
To listen to the music of touchingGrace go to
Jay Kishor albums can be found at
Fire Jumping in Alaska with Electric Frankenstein
It’s a natural pairing:
Magnatune’s punk rockers Electric Frankenstein and Alaskan Smoke Jumpers.
Veteran Alaskan smokejumper
Murry Taylor is dedicated to revealing the fascinating and dangerous world of
wilderness firefighting
It all started during one summer when Murry began to keep an extensive journal of his experiences as an Alaskan smokejumper. This became his
memoir “Jumping Fire: A Smoke Jumper’s Memoir of Fighting Wildfire” published
by Harcourt, 2000. In the book, the Murry recounts his three decades parachuting out of planes and fighting wildfires in the rugged West.
After the book was published Hollywood called, Warner Brothers to be exact, taking
out an option for a film. The screenplay is in development now with Murry’s participation.
Murry recently contacted us
through Joel McComb of McComb Consulting. He wanted to use Electric
Frankenstein music to showcase his latest project -- a video of an actual fire
With Electric Frankenstein’s
"The Time is Now" as a background track, the online helmet-cam video
shows a Smokejumper making a jump over a fire in Alaska.
It’s an incredible vantage point and well worth a look at
Electric Frankenstien albums can be found at
Magnatune Music on Mars
Ever wonder what it would be
like to explore Mars?
CREW 44 tells the story of eight young scientists and engineers training
and conducting research at the Mars Desert Research Station in southern Utah during the winter
of 2006.
With the music of Magnatune artist Williamson lending an electronic space pop feel to the surface of the red planet, the film takes the viewer on a journey into the world of Mars analogue
research and into the experiences of modern-day explorers.
Caltech student and filmmaker,
Andre Dunford was the geologist for the mission and also wrote, directed, produced
and financed the film. Andre signed a deal with, a new
online channel started by a fellow geologist and researcher. The film will be the first media available on
the channel.
We look forward to seeing more work from Andre His next
project is in Northern Africa to investigate suspected meteorite impact craters in
the Sahara Desert that he discovered using satellite data.
The work of ambient artists
and Claire Fitch
complete the soundtrack.
View CREW 44 at
The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School has put together a full-length podcast titled"The Digital Learning Challenge" on AudioBerkman using Magnatune
The Berkman Center is a highly influential research center at Harvard, really on the vanguard of new ideas and issues in the digital world. I went to a fantastic conference there in May called "Beyond Broadcast 2006: Reinventing
Public Media in a Participatory Culture." The conference that brought together an international group of media & interactive professionals presenting some very exciting work. It's worth checking out the conference wiki at
The AudioBerkman podcasters sampled Magnatune
track titled “You Belong” by Lizzi
from the album Love and you and I.
Here's the podcast link:
posted by Teresa Malango, Magnatune, September 2, 2006