John recently visited Tokyo and spoke at Joi Ito’s New Context Conference
While in Japan, John and Joi talked over an apparently delicious Japanese-Korean fusion dinner. Check out Joi’s blog on iCommons highlighting their discussion:
Joi is General Manager of International Operations for
Technorati, Chairman of Six Apart
Japan the weblog software company, and is on the board
of Creative Commons
Among his many accomplishments, Joi is also Chairman of iCommons
an organization dedicated to developing a united global commons front by
collaborating with open content and free culture communities around the world.
The Podcast is The Thing
This dynamic local theater group produces it's own behind-the-scenes
podcasts, covering everything from the challenges of performing Shakespeare to
backstage goings on.
For their latest, the podcasters used remix of Lisa DeBenedictis’ Below
The podcasts can be heard at
Space Music NASA took the highest resolution
pictures ever obtained of two of the Universe's most-beautiful objects: the
Eagle Nebula and the Whirlpool Galaxy. By
projecting these amazing images on the planetarium dome along with the
compositions of our artists, the show is undoubtedly awe-inspiring.
We came, we saw, we are still
lookingIn honor of the Hubble's Telescope’s
15th Birthday, The Ott Planetarium at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah put together a special show with Magnatune music.
A nice variety of Magnatune music was used for the presentation, from Celtic harpist Cheryl Ann Fulton
to the
choral songs of the Ukrainian Saint Elijah Children’s Choir
More about the Ott Planetarium can be found on their website
posted by Teresa Malango, Magnatune, 10/19/2006