The film "Magnatune in 6 [six]" is now available for viewing.
You can find it at, and if you have a fast internet connection, there's also a very-high-quality version.
I did the interviews of the musicians myself in London, but everything else was done by Nicolás Amado, who did an *amazing* job. I was very flattered when he flew up from Spain to meet me in London, and even more flattered that he made such an amazing film. And as a surprise gift, Nicolas made the super-cool poster pictured above.
A big giant magna-thanks to Nicolas!
What is the licence of the video ? (CC by-nc-sa ?)
Posted by: CH90 | January 02, 2007 at 10:43 AM
The video is under a Creative Commons by-nc-sa 2.5 license
as stated on the page itself:
Posted by: John Buckman from Magnatune | January 02, 2007 at 12:38 PM