Tim Spalding, who runs LibraryThing is trying out Magnatune's "what do you want to pay" idea on his book-cataloging web site. I know Tim through my other site, the book-swapping web site BookMooch.
Tim writes:
We were inspired by something John Buckman is doing at the online record label Magnatune. When you buy a CD, Magnatune asks "How much do you want to pay?" and gives you a price menu. You can't pay nothing, but you get some latitude. You can low-ball them a bit, or, if you're feeling grateful, pay more. It sounded like a fun idea to us. We've had people—and not a few—pay twice to thank us. But we've also had emails from people who say they'll buy a membership next time they get their pay check, disability, etc.
More at http://www.librarything.com/blog/2007/02/how-much-do-you-want-to-pay.php