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February 11, 2007


Spork Yifu

^^ Awesome selection of stations and music. Playing the Metal station on me land.

Keep up the good work =D

Groovebunny Shabazz

Thanks so much! I love your selection and have the jazz station streaming on my land right now. :)

Ellyn Dench

Thanks -- the classical stream is SUPER!


can you use any streaming radio station on your land? or do you need a 2ndlife specific station?

TerryAnn Antonelli

Love this option! Thanks so much.

Elise Sands

PERFECT!! Thank You! I was trying... I LOVE MagnaTune and this now has all my homes and lands alive with the best music...
AMBIENT on now...


I wanna ask about, if i can add more than one music on my land?

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