The Magnatune web site is making much greater use of CD cover art now.
When albums are listed in genres, their covers are also now displayed:
On the artist pages, instead of a text list of albums, you'll now see small versions of the covers, and clicking on the covers plays the album:
The downside is that it's a bit busy looking at times, and can make the really long pages slower to load.
However, I personally like the striking visual effect of all those covers, and it's another, perhaps interesting way to look at albums you might be interested in. Also, the images are all a standard size, and quite small to download, so it isn't too much slower.
I think it works especially well on the artist's pages, which used to look like this, which I thought undersold the albums on the page:
Hey John,
nice idea with the small album covers. Kudos.
It would work even better if you put some space between the [artist's name: music description] and the following album details like the cover thumbnail. In the current state it looks a little squashed there.
Keep up the good work.
Posted by: Thorsten | October 24, 2009 at 02:56 AM
Hey John,
could you use this time to also include a working reference to the artist art in the downloadable database? While I was looking at the data for the Magnatune plugin for GMPC I had to find that it is not useful at all in the current format.
Posted by: Joerg Sonnenberger | October 24, 2009 at 08:24 AM