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March 20, 2014



Nice article, thanks for sharing your experience :)

One question, in the case of a recording artist, how would they write a press release that "isn't about you"? You mean get someone else to write the press release for them? But then it wouldn't be official...

John from Magnatune

re: One question, in the case of a recording artist, how would they write a press release that "isn't about you"? You mean get someone else to write the press release for them?

No, you could write it yourself, but the story needs to be more than "I just released an album". How is that interesting?

Take this week's release by Vito Paternoster. His English is not great (this was originally written in Italian) but his pitch is not bad http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/paternoster-popper

The punch comes at the end, where he writes: "Vito Paternoster has taken these studies and made concert pieces out of them. A challenge, some small readjustments and they've become not studies, but music. Alive music."

If I were to write a press release for this album, I'd try to build a larger story about how old music that has seemed too challenging, and too technical, is now being rediscovered and made beautiful. As the musician, I might also find two other musicians who I am impressed by, and make it a 3 person press release with "Ugly" music can be beautiful, or some other provocative headline that a newspaper would like, because it grabs readers attention.


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